Terms & Condition
This policy defines the terms of service all customers agree to when they sign-up with Trade Fast. Trade Fast reserves the exclusive right to revise, change or amend this Policy at any time, without advance notice to customers. Customers consent to be bound by and must comply with all policies in this Terms & Condition. Any violators of this Terms & Condition may have their services cancelled without refund and/or, if deemed appropriate, be legally prosecuted. We do not give any guarantee or warranty for any service provided since the internet can be unpredictable. However, we try our best to provide you with a swift and effecient service. Anything you do on the internet is at your own risk and TRADEFAST GLOBAL INVESTMENT LTD will not be directly or indirectly responsible for any loss or unpleasant situations that might arise. No advice or information given by TRADEFAST GLOBAL INVESTMENT LTD (Web Sites, agents or employees) shall create a warranty, as TRADEFAST GLOBAL INVESTMENT LTD provides no warranty that the service will be uninterrupted, error free or delay in orders. Under no circumstances shall TRADEFAST GLOBAL INVESTMENT LTD Web Sites be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, or consequential damages that result in any way from your use of or inability to use our services..

All information collected from you is for the sole use of identifying and providing you with quality service. We will neither lend nor sale out any of your personal details nor use it for any other activity outside serving you. You are totally responsible for the security of your account from being compromised however we can help to protect or restore your account provided the data on it remains the same and you can verify your identity as the legitimate owner of the account.

We will comply fully with the law if we are issued a warant demanding we provide any details about you as stated in the warant.